PTSD and Trauma Disorders

Another area where your child could benefit from teen and young adult therapy in Florida is when they have experienced trauma. If your child has witnessed violence, been involved in a natural disaster or accident, been the victim of abuse, or even lost family members through death or divorce, they may have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It’s crucial you seek treatment for your teen or young adult if they have experienced trauma. Left untreated, PTSD is a young adult and teen mental health disorder that can wreak havoc on their life for years to come. 

Common symptoms of PTSD include:

  • flashbacks

  • nightmares

  • insomnia

  • feeling numb

  • triggered easily by things reminding them of the event

  • increased anger and irritability

  • easily startled

  • avoiding talking about the event

  • difficulty in school

  • withdrawing from friends

  • intrusive recurring thoughts of the traumatic event

Young Adult and Teen Mental Health Issues Should Not Be Taken Lightly

The teen and young adult years can be enjoyable and fulfilling. But if your child struggles with mental health issues, there’s a good chance they won’t be. Partner with me for experienced, caring, and comprehensive psychiatric care and therapy for teens in Miami and throughout Florida to get them through their struggles.