
Teen and young adult depression can severely impact how they experience life. Watching your child struggle with depression is heartbreaking as they seem to lose all interest in enjoying activities they once loved and seem to want to spend time alone. 

Similar to anxiety in teens and young adults, it can be challenging to identify whether they are being a “typical” teen or young adult or struggling with depression. It’s important not to ignore any symptoms you may notice and get them into therapy for teens or young adults as soon as possible. 

Some of the most common symptoms of teen and young adult depression include:

  • overwhelming feelings of sadness and crying spells

  • frustration and irritability, even over small things

  • feeling hopeless or empty

  • loss of interest in social and school activities

  • conflict with friends and family

  • low self-esteem

  • feeling guilty and worthless

  • fixation on past failures 

  • exaggerated self-blame and self-criticism

  • trouble concentrating and making decisions

  • thoughts or talk of death