Bipolar and Mood Disorders

Bipolar disorders can be very challenging to deal with as a parent or caregiver. Having a child with unpredictable, intense moods is very disruptive to the home environment. But getting help from a professional like myself, who is highly trained in this area, can significantly reduce their symptoms and smooth the waters of this difficult pediatric mental health concern.

  • Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD): If your child experiences frequent, severe, and recurrent temper outbursts and chronically angry, irritable moods, they may have DMDD. This mood disorder is sometimes considered a severe form of oppositional defiant disorder and is typically always present rather than sporadic. When children are younger, they tend to have more depressive symptoms. As they age, their symptoms may appear more like bipolar disorder symptoms. 

  • Bipolar disorder: When a child has bipolar disorder, they alternate between states of hypomania or mania and depression. They may be excessively talkative, hyperactive, and have a decreased need for sleep, followed by overwhelming sadness and depression.

The best treatment for bipolar disorders is through specific medications. I’ll partner with you and your child to get an accurate diagnosis and determine the best treatment approach, which may include therapy in conjunction with medication. I will check in with you and your child frequently to ensure their treatment is effective and make any necessary adjustments.