Expert Therapy for Teens and Young Adults in Florida

Specialized, Caring Psychiatric Services in Miami and Florida to Help Emerging Young Adults Live a More Fulfilling Life

As children progress through the teen and young adult years, they face many challenges. The pressures stemming from school, family, peers, relationships, and social media can do a number on teen mental health. When they deal with mental health concerns in addition to everyday struggles with school and family,  life can become even more overwhelming and complicated. 

Your teen or young adult deserves to live life to their fullest potential. Together, we can help identify the root of their struggles and treat them head-on so they can do just that. 

Schedule A Consultation

No-Rush, Compassionate Care for Teens and Young Adults 

Partnering with me for teen and young adult therapy in Florida means you get an ally in the battle against mental health issues. While I’m motivated to get your teen or young adult feeling better as soon as possible, you’ll never feel like a number. 

I believe in no-rush appointments, which means I’ll take the time to address any of your concerns and questions each and every time. Because communication between doctor, patient, and family is important in the healing process, I’ll also follow up on your child’s treatment between appointments to ensure everything is progressing on track. 

More About My Approach

Young Adult and Teen Mental Health Issues I Treat

Young adult and teen mental health issues can be complex. However, my years of experience providing psychiatric treatment and therapy for teens and young adults allow me to get to the bottom of what’s going on. Whatever they’re facing, I can help.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is one of the most common young adult and teen mental health issues. Recognizing anxiety at this age can be tricky, but if your child feels anxious more often than not to the point where it interferes with their daily lives,  they may be struggling with an anxiety disorder. 

Signs your teen or young adult is dealing with an anxiety disorder:

  • being extremely sensitive to criticism or self-conscious

  • constantly worrying about things that probably won’t happen

  • avoiding new or difficult situations

  • feeling constantly tense, agitated, or restless

  • withdrawing from everyone 

  • having difficulty concentrating

  • experiencing sleeping difficulties

  • changing their eating habits

  • regularly experiencing a rapid heartbeat

  • feeling dizzy

  • shortness of breath

  • shaking

  • sweating

  • frequent headaches

Some of the most frequent anxiety disorders teens and young adults face include:

  • social anxiety disorder 

  • generalized anxiety disorder

  • phobias, including school phobia

  • panic disorder

  • agoraphobia

  • separation anxiety