Anxiety disorders

Comprehensive, High Quality Psychiatric Care and Therapy for Children and Adolescents in Florida

Get Personalized Pediatric Mental Health Services From an Experienced, Empathetic Professional

Mental health disorders don’t discriminate. Children and adolescents are at risk for experiencing a wide range of pediatric mental health challenges. In fact, an estimated 20 million U.S. children between the ages of 3 and 17 experience a mental, emotional, behavioral, or developmental disorder. 

That’s one in five children and adolescents. And that’s data compiled before the pandemic.

Getting your child the professional they need sooner rather than later means you can get answers, and we can work together to get them feeling better faster. No matter how long it takes, I get to the root of the problem to ensure a positive therapeutic outcome. And because I use a comprehensive, personalized approach using evidence-based treatments, your child will get the precise care they need.

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Highly Responsive Treatment for a Wide Range of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Disorders

You know your child best. So you’ll know when your child isn’t quite themselves due to a mental health disorder. Whatever struggle your child is dealing with, I’m here to help. I believe in providing comprehensive, highly responsive treatment. So you’ll never feel like a number when you work with me. You’ll be more like a family member of My Family Psychiatrist. And I want to get all of our family members feeling better. 

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a normal part of life, including during childhood and adolescence. With younger children, they could have anxiety and fear of the dark or monsters under the bed. Older children may feel anxious about doing well in school, making friends, or their health. 

Many types of anxiety fall under the “pediatric mental health” umbrella. Symptoms range from emotional outbursts and tantrums to physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, shortness of breath, and sleep issues. Whatever your child’s anxiety symptoms, if they significantly interfere with daily functioning, an anxiety disorder may be present. 

Anxiety disorders in children include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Characterized by uncontrollable anxiety and worry about activities or situations that occur daily for at least six months, GAD is one of the most common types of pediatric anxiety disorders. Symptoms may include fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, and trouble concentrating. 

  • Separation anxiety disorder: Separation anxiety is a normal part of children’s development and presents as intense fear and anxiety of being separated from caregivers. But if their symptoms significantly impair daily functioning, therapy for children and potentially medication management may be very beneficial. 

  • Social anxiety disorder: Children with social anxiety disorder have intense and consistent fears or anxiety in social situations. They fear being scrutinized by others and worry that they may behave in a way others won’t like. Social anxiety can really interfere with your child’s life. They may be scared to go to school, attend social gatherings, or speak to others. Therapy for children and medication can help ease symptoms of social anxiety.

  • Panic attacks and panic disorder: Panic attacks present as palpitations, a pounding heartbeat, sweating, chest pain, nausea, abdominal pain, chills or overheating, or feeling dizzy and lightheaded. Along with physical symptoms, panic attacks can make children feel an impending sense of doom or fear of dying. These attacks can often come out of nowhere. While panic disorder is rare in children, it is characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks. 

Watching your child deal with any anxiety can be stressful and overwhelming. But I’m here to help. As a pediatric psychiatrist in Coral Gables, I provide both psychiatric medication management and individualized anxiety therapy for children in the Miami area and telehealth throughout Florida. 

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Partner With Me for Comprehensive, Effective, and Personalized Therapy for Children in Florida

Having a child with a pediatric mental health disorder is challenging enough. Finding an empathetic, caring, and experienced pediatric therapist shouldn’t be an added source of stress for you. Contact me to learn more about my unique, patient-centered approach to helping children overcome mental health challenges.